Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Person Who Has Made a Difference: Augusto Pinochet

     Augusto Pinochet has made a difference in the history of my country, Chile. He taked the control the government with force. On September 11 in 1973. In this day, he removed the president that was at that moment. The president was Salvador Allende.  Pinochet stayed in the government for seventeen years. He changed the politics, from a socialism to a capitalism. For that reason, the government support to the rich people more than support the poor people,and they were who really needed the help. He founded a dictatorship, and it was forbidden say a different opinion. In the case that someone said something different at the public opinion, they were killed. In this period a lot of people were killed . For all these reasons, he has made a difference in my country.


  1. He was a very influential person in your country, right?! He changed people's mind and help your country a lot.

  2. I really careful read your wrote. He changed your country! He is strong person!

  3. Solji, I think so.
    I think he is a very brave man :).

  4. Well, what I was trying to saw, it is that he changed in bad way the history of my country, because he taked the power for the force and kill people. But, maybe I don't explained the idea very well.

  5. I understood what you were saying:-). I was confused by others' reactions to your post. Nice job!
